cats are pretty cool
On the second day we all went into dublin town and chilled out at this park which had families having picnic's, it also had the other extreme of homeless people too drunk to walk. It also had a sweet massive pond, which also included a waterfall, and saw a lady showing everyone a bit of cheeky nipple!
After that we went to the show! Pretty much the best show i've been to in a while!
i don't actually have any photos from the show but i think that everyone knows what would have went down!
When we got back to the house after the show we watched a vampire film and chilled out, then everyone who didn't live in the house said their goodbyes, because we had to get up mega early!
so we got up mega earlier and got a lift to the airport and said more goodbyes!
yet again checking in went pretty easy so we chilled out by the boarding gate.
When we got into birmingham airport we didn't have any pounds so me and joe changed 30euro's, and we only got £18, i felt raped!
Before we left and drove home from joes i realised that i left my key's in ireland, which created quite a problem since i live in wales, my car was in birmingham and my car keyes were in ireland! so i had to ring laura to see if she could find them and post them over which is is doing and im very grateful for, thankyou!
So, i had to get our friend ben to pick me , bobby and parslow up, which cost me £35, but i suppose thats the price i pay for being an idiot and leaving my keyes in ireland!
All in all i pretty much had one of the best weekends of this year, and met some of the nicest people i've ever met! When i got back i got to thinking how the whole weekend was amazing, and id like to thank every single person i met, and people who let us stay at their house, and who made our whole weekend fucking amazing! I can't wait to come back!
Recording @ Longwave-Day Three
Yo, here we are again, in the studio for day three of recording...
so shortly after setting up some of the equipment for the guitar tracks
we began to rock..
after rocking for a good 25minutes, the recommended daily amount, parslow started to record his guitar parts.
we are still recording the adams guitar parts right now, right this second, so i can't really tell you how many songs we have done, or will be done by the end of the day. But, i can tell you that the on and only tom owen is up next to lay down his spine breaking parts.
Also eariler we were walking out of sainsburys after grabbing a light lunch, when a baby dropped a chocolate milkshake on the floor as dave and tom were walking past its pram, consequently the boys both received back splash of the milkshake all over thier white t-shirts while the childs teenage mother was talking to her friend about bebo or some other hip fad no doubt!
Also also, it seem's that the world does not want anyone to see footage of this recording, as the camera ran out of battery and the lead we picked up from home was the wrong one, so i do apologize. Maybe we can sort some out for tomorrow, hopefully something won't go wrong for us.
but the tracks are sounding wiiizzard, so check back for updates tomorrow and hopefully a video