Sunday, 7 September 2008

Tonight was my last night working a sunday, and last night was last night working a saturday. It feels pretty good to know that next weekend i can go out all weekend, or i can sleep all weekend!
I hope it doesn't rain tomorrow because i need to go to work so that i can get some money in since i didn't work at all last week due to certain things! But hopefully i can work all week and be in the money again! Also tomorrow i have to go into the bank and swop my solo account for a student account and my mam is in work so she can't come with me, i hate doing things like this on my own, i bet i will sign my life away now!
I don't really have much to say, my parents had a mega bust up last night when i got back from work and everyone got upset, it sucked real bad!
that's it,
stop raining
go skateboarding
go vegan
drink beers