Monday, 25 August 2008

Most were stabbed repeatedly in the stomach and had their eyes gauged out. They were then disembowelled and some internal organs and their genitals were removed. It was not long before he began to attack children of both sexes as well as young women. It was probably easier to lure them into the dark woods, but he killed them in the same way.

So last night, it was a sunday but everyone went out because everyone, including me didn't have work today!

I went to lepub at around 8.30ish with mike to see common cause and kick ass on the pool table, which i did, and made up a new game called dick pool, its pretty much the same as normal pool but insted of using the triangle to set up the balls you just make them into a dick shape, it sounds good doesn't it, but not only does it look super cool and sound super cool but the balls actually break up easier and i always seem to win whenever we play it, which was about twice last night because there was people who wanted to play pool seriously-howl!(and still loose)

After that bucket load of fun, we went to meze/mojos which is pretty much 400% garaunteed going to be shit, so i got a band off my friend so i didn't have to pay the massive fee of £5 to get in, yeah it sounds great doesn't it, but it wasn't so great when i got kicked out/refused entry!

So after i'd see about 600 people from my school, people who i didn't really have anything to say too, we decided to go home, but before that we went to get food, chips were my weapon of choice, but after the bland, boring chip flavour settled in i decided to spice up my life with some chilli sauce, 400% mistake, it was the worlds hottest chilli so sauce, it was so spicy that it couldn't of even been un-spiced by an electric de-spicer! Everyone agreed!
The some poor kid was getting beaten up by some douche, so Sam and big Eric went over to try to help him, but as they ran over to stop the fight a load more of these kids came and they ended up getting hit, i didn't get invovled not only because i am a bad person but i saw the inevitable, and knew i'd probably get punched, and everyone knows that getting punched isn't very nice, unless your some knuckle head who lives for it, which im not!
Talking of fights, bit of a close call on the way home as we walked to get a taxi, we were about to cross the road and a car drove past and someone travelling in the car spat at sam, to which we all pretty much replied "fuck you, you fucking fucker fuck" or some or threatening banter, to which the car full of packed boiz reversed. At this point i was pretty much preparing to punch someone/get punched, as the car pulled back to about our distance, we were seconds away from an ass kicking, but the people in the car we some lads that we knew from school, it was a bit like that scene in braveheart when they charge towards each other and then pause and are like "oh hey", but with more balls, it was a pretty close call if you ask me, i didn't really want to get beat up so i was so glad that we knew who it was! I said to them too "so lads, just going out to kick peoples asses are you?" to which they all looked at me slightly puzzled in realising what they were actually going out to do! i think the right words now would be "whatever floats your boat" or something along those lines!

Looking back it wasn't that good of a night, if you excluding purple rain being played about 10 times, kicking ass at pool and common cause!

Today its monday, bank holiday monday, and i have the worlds worst hangoverso now i just hope it drys up so i can go skateboarding!