Thursday, 21 May 2009


So the sheffield show was real good, and the stage was about 6ft up in the air and real long, but i have better things to talk about. After the show we packed everything away and took it all out to our van, as soon as we got everything ready to go in the van, some lad who worked at the venue told us we had a flat tyre. We pondered on what to do for a while and then came to the conclusion that the best idea would be to call the AA, so we did, the man arrived swiftly and we thought we'd be on our way within half an hour. To start he couldn't get the spare wheel off since it was pretty much stuck to the van with rust. He then tried to fix the puncture, but it was the actual valve that was broken so there wasn't anything he could do, the only option was to sleep in the van. So parslow went with attack attack to a travel lodge and tom went to his girlfriends in Nottingham, then Bobby, Gay Bryan, Webbo, Ben and myself stayed in the van! At first it didn't seem that bad, we went to a local pizza shop and got some food on the merch money, then we all got a comfy seat in the van and watched Role Models on webbos tiny laptop, it was actually real good and we drank the free crate of san miguel attack attack gave us! As a few of us grew tired me, ben and bryan crashed out in the back seats and floor leaving webbo and bobby to drink til the early hours of the morning, then we had a little swop. I got so uncomforatble that i had to get out of the van, so i went for a walk around what was a really nice city, it took me ages to find the local mcdonalds to buy hash browns though, but as soon as i did find it and brought ten for me and the lads, i got a phonecall to run back to the van becuase the AA man came to pick us up! We got in what seemed like the biggest truck ever and went to a garage, they tried to snack us and tell us we needed various things done to the van but we reclined and got our valve fixed and then we went to london! The show in london was also real good.