So we got to dundee after one of the worst drives of my life, it wasn't really long, but i probably had the worst hang over of my life! When we finally got there the venue was a real good size and seemed like a nice place, excluding its lack of shower, which i really needed! We got taken into the dressing room which was a pretty dodgy room, but it was filled with bread, coke and sweet cumberland sausage flavour crisps, we were also told that the building was broken into the night before. The people who broke in got in through a door and smashed a whole through a wall to get into the office with all the money etc in, it was fucking wild, looking back i probably should of taken a photo!
The show was pretty good, the room was full of excited kids, who wanted to buy shirts and cd's wich was good! After the show we went to a travel lodge in Carlisle and attack attack let some of us sleep in the room with them, tom, ben, webbo and myself all slept in the van, i had a great night sleep, but i think tom slept for about an hour, which kind of sucked.Next is sheffield, which is a staggering 5,3 hours away!!