Tuesday, 28 October 2008

some photos!


so we left wales at like 11, i was super tired so i slept the whole time, but apperntly it only took about 2 hours to get there, which is pretty good! when we got there ryan almost ran over about 1000 university of southampton students and we searched for the venue in the uni for a while! after we found it we wonder more around the uni looking for food, didnt really work out so me bobby and tom downs went into southampton town, like newport, but bigger and not as good, not good! but when we got back armed with subways and beer! the venue was quite small, but it was a good atmosphere! paul howe came to the show, and it was awesome to hang out with him since we all havent seen him for a few months now, which sucks! also we saw beth, which was also real cool! ALSO, tom downs and mevs were on the kids bus when we got there so it was a super party, but nothing compared to tom downs' welsh diy bad brains t-shirt! il try and get a picture!
southampton was one of my favourite shows, i think it was mainly because it was cool to see people i havent seen for ages, plus met and talked to some cool girls and guys there and we did real well on shirts, and i got drunk!
after the show everyone wanted to go out to this place that apperntly sold beer for £1 a pint or something, but we didnt know where it was and we had to leave at 12:30, doh! so insted we drove back up our way to ryans house, webbo, tom and ben went on the kids bus and me, bob, parslow and ryan went to stay at ryans!

Cardiff was awesome, although it was a shame that kids got a maassive guestlist, and no one else got one, but i guess it was thier hometown show, so it makes sense! it was good to see everyone from back home again after like 12 days or something, it seemed like forever! the show was real good and merch sales were dynamite! after that we went home again and had another good nights sleep!

after london we got a travel lodge in reading, two of us paid for the room and three of us snuck in, we really lived life on the edge! we got up nice and early and headed for oxford! when we got there we had to load all the gear over a main road, which sucked! the venue was pretty nice though! the show was sweet, and we did good on shirts, but it sucked that some pathetic girls stole some of this city's shirts, and we had to go chasing them around the venue, but i did get to go into the girls toilets, how exciting!
after that we drove back to wales and all went home to wash our clothes etc!

the day before the show we had a day off, which we spent sleeping/chilling on the bus, and in the night me tom, bobby and ollie mac watched some of the first season of lost, which i've never seen before, and i'm hooked! ALSO we went outside the bus, for a chill out etc, and three blacked out people carriers pulled out and parked in a row, and i thought it was like the london mob or something and we were all going to get shot, but, it was fall out boy!! so we talked to the guitarist for a little while, it was surreal! but after that we all pretty much went to bed! when i woke up we were driving through london and were almost at the astoria! once we were outside there was no where to park the bus, so we had to jump out and take our shit inside, once we were in it was like a maze, cold dark stair cases everywhere, but we finally found the dressing rooms! after that i went for a shower, three showers one room, but it was so good after not showering for like two days, i was in there for about 40 minutes, it rocked 400%!
the actual show was packed out, 1800 tickets were sold and then there was guestlist etc so there around 2000 people in there, save your breath played and everyone was real into it, the boys played real well, despite minor set-backs, snapping strings, heads blowing! it was mind blowing to see how many people were there, and the size of the venue, definately the biggest show they have ever played!
what else was cool, was that kids in glass houses had a balloon drop at the end of give me what i want, it was insane!!!
we also did a killing on merch, there was two merch booths, one downstairs which ollie had and one upstairs which we had, but ollie ggave me a few kids shirts to sell so that more people would come upstairs, which was real reall cool of him, and it worked out super good!
after all of that we set off for oxford, leaving bobby with iain and shay in london to party!

so we drove to sheffield after nottingham, it only took about an hour or so, the venue was pretty big and there was already a que when we got there! we also got pot noodles! bingo!
again the show was real packed out, and all the bands shredded! we did pretty good on merch, but didnt do that well on cd's as far as i rememeber! after the show there was a club night in the venue, and they had a rodeo bull thing haha!
after that me tom, bobby and ben went on the rock bus with kids in glass houses etc, we all got pretty drunk and iain tattooed black flag bars on bens leg with a needle and indian ink!
when we got to London we parked under tesco's, tesco's was also 24hr so we all got some food and hung out on the bus again!

so after wolverhampton we drove to nottingham, and most of the boys slept on the bus, me and ryan kipped in the van and it was suprisingly warm, i even slept in my boxers!
the show was pretty sweet, and the backstage area was basically a whole club! but there was no showers, so we had to go into the girls toilets in the backstage area and strip down and was in the sinks, it was suprisingly refreshing. the show was pretty sweet too, the venue was one of the smallest on the tour, but it was packed out with kids and everyone seemed to me into all the bands! one of the main problems was that our merch was upstairs, and kids in glass houses merch was downstairs, and they at the end they wouldnt let anyone upstairs really so we hardly sold anything, we did pretty good on demos though!
after the show we all went out and went to some club/cocktail bar, well it was more of a cocktail bar! we all got super drunk, and bobby decided at 6am to take a strole around nottingham drunk out of his brains, on his way he got brought some new shoes and got his hair cut! lovely!