Tonight we went to this skatepark in Hereford, the drive there was delish, filled with great green landscapes, we got there pretty late so the sun was just setting, it was rather nice! i didn't skate at all really, too tired from the night before etc, super nice place though, alot of weird transitions and cool banks and blocks, maybe have a good rip there some time soon!
Also on the way back we were driving through these dark lanes and as we came around the corner graham had to skid the meagane to a halt as there were three deer in the road, it was a real cool thing to see, they did panic though and looked real scared, it was quite sad that we couldn't get out and take them away from the road, but they did sneak into a hedge whilst we drove off, so i hope they were okay!
Driving down that dark road reminded me of the time i was driving home from work whilst there was a power cut, and i had the cursed II intro on, and if you have heard it you'll know how evil and dark it sounds, it was like something from a vampire film, no lights, looked like a ghost town, i want something like that to happen to me again!
Also my blackberry was pissing me off this morning, it keeps freezing slightly when im trying to do things!
I also swallowed a fly today! i don't think it means i broke vegan though, i've had various people telling me it doesn't count and others offering me to go out for a steak and some people telling me i am going to hell for breaking! but i am not going to count it, it wasn't my fault, it flew into my mouth, well into the back of my throat, i had no choice, although i do feel slighlty bad!
and hello loan monday, i can't wait to live a little and get my parents to bail me out come payday for the room i don't even live in in bristol, fuck you system!